
Final Stop: Dublin

Friday, July 16, 2010
11:00 p.m.

I’m having a hard time understanding why so many locals I spoke to within the past four weeks had negative things to say about Dublin. I departed Galway this morning with an open mind, planning to leave what others had to say about the country’s capital behind in order to create my own opinion on the city. It’s easy to judge a city like Dublin when movies have take place here, singers and songwriters have performed about it, and every tourist book has created its own image of it. I arrived earlier this afternoon and already love it. Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions, maybe I’m too quick to judge. Either way, there is an intriguing spark about this city pulling me in, making me anxious to know more, see more, and experience more of it. I have only been to New York City once in my life, but immediately, Dublin reminded me of it. Swarming streets, crowded crosswalks, people rushing in and out of one another, endless traffic, street vendors and performers, tall buildings, a variety of eateries and rows of fashionable shops all contributed to this NYC vibe. Dublin also hosts a melting pot of cultures: Irish, Americans, Asians, Indians, Canadians, Arabs, Mexicans. I suddenly don’t feel like such a blatantly, obvious tourist anymore. When roaming the city’s streets, I spotted the first Starbucks I have seen since being in Ireland. Not that it matters having a Starbucks here – European coffee is much tastier than coffee back home – but it made me feel more at home. Later on while scoping out a pub with some of the group, I noticed a vending machine full of Pringles. How awesome is that? Starbucks and Pringles aside, I feel I am in for many more surprises in Dublin. Good surprises that is. I could've spent all six weeks here and still not had enough time to take in the full city. Dublin is intoxicating; I already look forward to discovering more about it tomorrow. Better get going.

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