
Moving Onward

Friday, July 2, 2010
12:00 p.m.

Rain trickles down faintly
As the thundering bus plows
Through climbing, narrow, unpaved roads;
Clear of barriers, of railings,
Of any sign that others occupy this lonely path.
Steadily I am shifting through Southwest Ireland.
Countryside flora abounds every angle while
Sporadic herds of sheep with pink-colored marks
Of ownership roam grassy hills.
Grey teardrops of water have now vanished;
Bright golden sun peeks through fading
Rain clouds. Verdant mountaintops,
Now emerged, kiss the pure sapphire sky.
Steadily I am shifting though Southwest Ireland.
Traveling farther upward, the bending
Lakes of Killarney appear. I am
Just as enraptured as Queen Victoria’s ladies-in-waiting
At the site of Ladies View.
We move onward.
Steadily I am shifting through Southwest Ireland.

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