
A coffee stop

Monday, June 28, 2010
3:30 p.m.

After breakfast this morning, I set out to a place called the Coffee Station. When I passed it a few days ago, I saw a sign advertising free wireless but didn't have my computer or phone on me to test it out. Since today marked my last free day of the long weekend, I figured it would be an appropriate time to check the place out. I have been here for a week and have only had two (maybe three) coffees. It's not that I don't want the energy burst, I just haven't felt the need for it. That's a big change from my usual coffee a day. For some reason I was craving one this morning. The walk was a short quarter-mile or so up the road, but I walked fast because for the first time since I've been here, it was raining. Out of all things to forget on my trip, one was an umbrella. Luckily I have a decent raincoat. I had almost made it there when a big truck drove into a puddle next to me, spraying water up and soaking the right side of my pants. Usually this would have bothered me, but I just shrugged it off and thought hey, I'm in Ireland, I'm going to get wet.

The menu had a large amount of options, but I decided on a nonfat latte. Skim milk has been a hard thing to find here since most markets only offer full-fat and light milk. I was very happy to have the skim option. They even offered soy milk. The young man behind the register told me he would deliver the coffee to my seat (a change from your usual Starbucks)! While I was waiting on my latte, I turned on my laptop and was soon able to connect to wireless for the first time. Two bonuses already to my day: skim milk and wireless! As I sat on a high stool at the bar, sipping my coffee and surfing the Internet, I was finally able to upload some pictures. After a couple hours had passed, I started to feel guilty about using the free wireless for so long while only ordering a coffee. So, I went back to the register and ordered a veggie sandwich with olive-balsamic dressing on a poppy seed bagel. It was quite tasty. By the time I finished my sandwich it had stopped raining and I headed home. I look forward to visiting the Coffee Station again.

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