
Class, computers and community dinner

Monday, June 21, 2010

I was finally able to sleep in this morning. After two straight nights of going out to the pubs and having to wake up early for group meetings, I was able to catch up on some sleep and take my time getting ready. At noon, the group met at a UCC classroom to listen to a guest lecturer on Irish political and economic history. I was never one to enjoy history class, but this lecturer was quite interesting. He informed us on the past relationship between Northern Ireland and Ireland as well as the present. Following the lecture, we watched the movie, Michael Collins. I highly recommend it if you’ve never seen it and are interested in learning more about Ireland and the Irish War of Independence.

In the afternoon, a computer technician met with us to try and get our wireless set up. Because there are no summer classes at UCC, the wireless is down. So, we have all been sharing the four computers in the basement’s computer lab. Unfortunately the technician wasn’t able to get the wireless fixed so we are waiting to hear back from him on whether or not we will be able to receive it.

The group was pretty tired from all that’s been happening over the first two days so we came to a consensus to have a group potluck dinner. Each hall was in charge of getting a different dinner item, preparing the food, and bringing it to one of the suites for us all to eat. We shared pasta, salad, garlic bread, chips and dip, and chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream. The potluck was a big hit and a lot of fun to be able to relax and have dinner in with everyone. Plus we all saved money by not going out!

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