
Environmentally savvy

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
4:00 p.m.

One thing I have noticed over the past few days is how environmentally aware Ireland is. When I went shopping at the market for the first time, the cashier didn’t bag my groceries. Instead, he asked me if I wanted to pay an extra 22 euro cents for a plastic bag. He told me the reason they charge for bags is so people are forced to bring their own and so they don’t waste them. Makes plenty of sense to me since I already use reusable shopping bags when I’m at home. However I had to go ahead and pay the extra money because I just couldn’t carry all my groceries back without a bag. Another thing I’ve noticed is that the rooms don’t have ceiling fans and that many of the buses, trains and shops don’t have air conditioning. I have to open the windows for cooler air when seated on the bus and train. I also find myself warmer when I enter a store than when walking outside, which is such a strange concept for summer time. One more thing that puts Ireland ahead with the whole saving energy thing is that you have to turn on a switch in order for appliances to work. It took me a whole two days to figure out how to work the toaster in our kitchen! What I didn’t notice was the small switch (similar to a light switch) on the wall above it. In order to power the toaster (along with the oven, the lamps, etc.) you have to turn on a switch before turning the appliance on. I felt like a true blonde after finally figuring it out!

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